Student code of conduct – Irlanda 2024


    School and Relations with host family

    • ▪  At all times students must wear the proper school uniform and be neat and tidy

    • ▪  Attendance at school is mandatory and students must not absent themselves from school without


    • ▪  Students must be punctual and well behaved in class and complete all assignments given to them.

    • ▪  Students must make an effort to integrate with their family and speak English

    • ▪  Students should follow the host family rules regarding meal times and curfews. .

    • ▪  Host families must be informed of any social activities or places that the student intends to go either after

      school or during the weekend. Students must respect the family’s decision on the suitability of such

      activities. General

    • ▪  Students under 18 are not permitted by law to drink alcohol. A student who is found to have been drinking alcohol will be sent home immediately.

    • ▪  It is prohibited for the students to smoke or to possess tobacco products while in Irish schools or outside when wearing the school uniform

    • ▪  Students may not stay overnight in another home without consent.

    • ▪  Students must not make any life changing decisions while on the programme for example get a tattoo or a


    • ▪  Students who are caught stealing will be fined €200 and may be sent home.

    • ▪  Only the student’s immediate family are allowed to visit during the programme. Students who wish to stay

      overnight with their parents during the visit must inform LLI 14 days in advance and complete a signed

      parental release form

    • ▪  Students must return to their country of origin as soon as the programme finishes

    Any misconduct will lead to the following consequences

    1. 1)  Students will receive a formal verbal warning. If the negative behaviour continues

    2. 2)  Students will receive a written warning and will be placed on probation

    If the stated misbehaviour does not improve during the probation period the student will be asked to leave the programme and no refund will be given. The cost of repatriation will be born by the student and the parents.

    LLI reserves the right to expel students from the programme without warning depending on the severity of the rule infringement. Such conduct includes but is not limited to illegal drug use, unacceptable sexual behaviour, consuming alcohol or drugs, violation of the law, unauthorised travel, unsatisfactory school performance including unexplained absences, violent behaviour and life changing decisions eg getting a piercing or tattoo.

    Where the programme is terminated early no refund will be given and the cost of repatriation to the country of origin is at natural parent’s own expense.

    I declare that I have read and understood the Student Code of Conduct and I agree to abide by the rules outlined. I understand that if I choose to return home early other than for reasons of illness I will forfeit all fees paid.

  • Clear Signature

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